If the apartment intercom stops responding to calls from the Outdoor station (see image 1), it is likely that the settings on your apartment intercom have been reset.  To get the intercom back online, simply follow these steps.  If the screen buttons are not responding to presses, please have a look at this solution How To Re-calibrate the Screen before proceeding with this solution.

Image 1- Outdoor station

If you are not able to receive calls from the Outdoor station on your apartment intercom, you will show a disconnect  icon on top left hand corner of your screen.  The red cross will disappear when your intercom is working correctly.

From the home screen (press the  on the right side of screen to get here) press and hold the settings () button as shown in Image 2.

Image 2 - The home screen

On the settings screen, press and hold the Project Settings Icon (see image 3 in Red).  If a password box appears, enter password 888888 and then press OK to continue.

Image 3 - Settings Screen

After selecting the Project Settings icon, youll be presented with the Project Settings screen (see image 4)

Image 4 - Project Settings Screen

Check the value next ro Room No (see Image 4 in Red).  Make sure this aligns with the room number you are in.  If not, change it to the correct value and then press the OK button (see image 4 in Red).  You should get an message to suggest this has updated and if all goes well, the network icon  will appear.  Each of the other details should be left as is however, Gateway should be set to but leave Local IP and Subnet Mask as they are.

Once you have confirmed the settings on this screen, press the Network icon on the right side menu (see image 5 in Red)

Image 5 - Network Settings

Connecting the Front Door

Check VTO IP Address and make sure it is set to If it isnt, press in this area and enter it in.  Press the OK button (see image 5 in Orange) to save.  If this is completed correctly, the red cross in the icon will disappear.  If the red cross does not go away, press the Enable Status toggle (see image 5 in Yellow) to the OFF position and then press it again to toggle it back to the ON position and then press OK again.

Connecting the underground Carpark

Press the right arrow (see image 5 in Green). This will bring up the underground carpark VTO details.  As per the instructions in "Connecting the Front Door", make sure the VTO IP Address is set to and if not, set this and press OK.

Note: If you are still having trouble with your intercom after going over these instructions, please direct all support requests to your body corporate.