To activate your online account, send an email to and include the following details;

Subject: Activate my online account

Email Body:

Firstname and Lastname for account

AWM Account number

email address you want associated with account (does not need to be the one you're sending the email from)


John Doe

My AWM account number is 123456

Please use email address

Once we receive the request, your online account will be activated (typically within 2-4 hours of receipt).  You will receive confirmation to the email address you've used to activate your account.  Username is the email address and password will typically be your account number.  Both can be changed after activation.  Once you receive that email, login to your account at , click the Login button in the top right hand corner of the browser, enter your username and password and the click the Login button

From here, you will be able to view/download invoices, statements and your price file.