To download your price file, simply log in to the AWM online portal, click on My Account in the top right hand corner and then click on "Request" button under Request a Pricelist.

Once in the Request a Pricelist section confirm the email address you want the file sent to and select the format.  The default format will include all AWM fields however, we cater to all major purchasing packages

Once you have selected how you want the file to be setup, you now need to specify which products to download from us.  The default list is the top 10,000 national movers. These are the top 10,000 products purchased nationally.

If this is not sufficient, the predefined list includes a larger top 125,000 list or a smaller top 1000 or 5000 list.  You can also create a custom file which will include your own product purchases for up to the last 2 years.  Specify the date range you require and filter by brand if necessary.

Once you have decided on what file to download click on the Submit button.  Within minutes, you will receive an email to the above nominated email address and a file.  The email will look like this;

The attachment includes the file you will need to load in to your purchasing application of choice.  If you have any problems with this, please email